Sunspel is regarded as one of the most prestigious brands ever produced by an English company within the fashion industry. Established in 1860, this brand is solely responsible for so many items of clothing that we take for granted ever day. Boxer shorts for example..... until the mid 80’s, boxer shorts were not readily available, or even recognized by the consumer in this country.... welll until that Levi’s ad! We all remember that iconic advert in the launderette .... guess what? Sunspell boxers! After this advert on national tv, it became common place for this garment to be apart of every mans wardrobe. Going back even further, the brand was responsible for the production of possibly one of the first casual t-shirts available on the marketplace. Along side undergarments which had never been seen before throughout the world. Their famous Sea island cotton (which is used by many luxury companies under patent from Sunspel) has become a world wide recognized leading material, this fabric designed in the times of world war 2, is now a must for the fashion industry. Moving forward to the present day, the company is still making break through designs in luxury garments that are renowned world wide as the best you can buy. This accolade has seen Sunspel used in many environments that require excellence..... what else would you dress James Bond and Bruce Wayne in?
Well.... naturally I’m guessing you’ve figured the answer out to that question by now! |